Un journal de l'Alliance internationale pour CARE et les équipes de lutte contre la menace
Le journal est une collection annuelle évaluée par des pairs d'articles de recherche originaux publiés par InterACTT. Nous nous engageons à rester au courant des recherches liées aux problèmes d'inégalité raciale et au racisme systématique et personnel auquel sont confrontées les personnes de couleur. Les auteurs sont encouragés à partager des études de cas, des recherches originales, des techniques pratiques et de nouvelles interventions dans l'évaluation et la gestion des risques. et menace.
Pour ceux qui souhaitent soumettre à la revue, le comité de rédaction s'engage à nourrir la recherche, en particulier les idées et les concepts des étudiants. Les soumissions sont jumelées à un membre du comité de rédaction pour vous guider tout au long du processus d'amélioration de votre soumission.
What is InterACTT?InterACTT is a collaborative group of likeminded professionals from diverse fields who created a platform to make an impact in the fields of K-12/secondary education, colleges/universities and workplaces. With expertise on CARE and threat team functioning, mental illness assessment and treatment, law enforcement, accessibility services, diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), autism, masculinity and prevention education, the advisory team at InterACTT truly forms a gestalt – a group greater than any of our individual parts.
Why subscription based?When we looked out at the field, we felt the last thing people needed was yet another membership organization competing for increasingly limited funding. With budget money more restricted than ever in the post COVID-19 era, we designed InterACTT as a supplement to those existing memberships you may hold. Our focus is on providing innovative resources and technology solutions to your daily work. The daily work of InterACTT is committed to providing low-cost resources to those in counseling, law enforcement, disability, threat assessment and prevention education.
Does this replace my existing membership?No, we don’t think it should. We have deep roots in higher education with membership organizations like NASPA, ASCA, ACPA, NABITA, ATIXA, ACCA, AUCCCD, IACLEA, HECMA, AMOSSHE, UMHAN, BACP-UC & HUCS, NADP, and AUCSO. These groups offer different services and supports than we offer. We would encourage you to keep connected to your existing membership organizations and talk with their leadership about how InterACTT can augment their current service offerings. We are always interested in new collaborations.
What if I have an idea for InterACTT?We LOVE ideas. That’s why we got this organization started. Feel free to reach out to any member you feel comfortable approaching on the advisory team or talk directly with Dr. Chris Taylor or Bethany Van Brunt about how they can help connect you to the next step in your idea becoming a reality!