Un journal de l'Alliance internationale pour CARE et les équipes de lutte contre la menace
Le journal est une collection annuelle évaluée par des pairs d'articles de recherche originaux publiés par InterACTT. Nous nous engageons à rester au courant des recherches liées à la violence ciblée, à la santé mentale, aux opérations BIT/CARE, à l'évaluation et à la gestion des menaces. Les auteurs sont encouragés à partager des études de cas, des recherches originales, des techniques pratiques et de nouvelles interventions dans l'évaluation et la gestion des risques et des menaces.
Pour ceux qui souhaitent soumettre à la revue, le comité de rédaction s'engage à nourrir la recherche, en particulier les idées et les concepts des étudiants. Les soumissions sont jumelées à un membre du comité de rédaction pour vous guider tout au long du processus d'amélioration de votre soumission.
Welcome to Intersections! Our first article was published in December, 2022:
Beyond the Red Flags
Dr. Brian Van Brunt and Dr. Amy Murphy
Early identification of red flags and at-risk behavior is a research-based best practice in the prevention of targeted violence. This article expands on this foundational concept and describes how to fill gaps in targeted violence prevention by moving beyond red flags. The authors describe five critical concepts related to behavioral intervention and threat assessment work in schools, workplaces, and communities that are commonly missed or underutilized. Diverse, multidisciplinary, collaborative teams remain the central place for the identification of red flag behaviors. However, this article identifies missed opportunities in the utilization of these teams in current practice as well as the singular focus on target hardening of facilities instead of collaborative violence risk and threat assessment. The authors also discuss the common labeling of attackers after incidents of violence and how this can contribute to future inaction in terms of seeking help, reporting concerns, and intervening when someone is evolving toward violence. The article further explores the problematic practice of focusing generally and broadly on mental health as a risk factor for violence and how this can result in missing other red flags, stigmatizing seeking help for mental health, and over-reliance on mental health assessments instead of a more comprehensive violence risk or threat assessment. Last, behavioral intervention and threat assessment team processes can be improved by incorporating red teaming techniques, dynamic risk assessment, and on-going connections to individuals of concern.