Beyond Initial Response: Using the National Incident Management System Incident Command System
Responders have to be ready to carry out their Incident Command System position-specific responsibilities and to be effective they have to know how to operate as part of an ICS organization. This book provides readers the confidence, knowledge and assurance that are required to successfully play as part of an incident management team.

Catastrophe and Social Change: Based Upon a Sociological Study of the Halifax Disaster
This book offers an observational study of the social impact caused by the Halifax disaster, where 1,782 people were killed in an explosion on a cargo ship, and the relief efforts following the event. In it, Prince follows the event from the nature of the catastrophe, through the disintegration of social order, and ending with the rebuilding of the effected communities.

Disasters by Design: A Reassessment of Natural Hazards in the United States
Disasters by Design provides an alternative and sustainable way to view, study, and manage hazards in the United States that would result in disaster-resilient communities, higher environmental quality, inter- and intragenerational equity, economic sustainability, and improved quality of life as well as an overview of what is known about natural hazards, disasters, recovery, and mitigation.

Full-Rip 9.0: The Next Big Earthquake in the Pacific Northwest
Meet the scientists who are dedicated to understanding the way the earth moves and what patterns can be identified and how prepared (or not) people are. With a 100% chance of a mega-quake hitting the Pacific Northwest, this fascinating book reports on the scientists who are trying to understand when, where, and just how big The Big One will be.

Left of Bang: How the Marine Corps’ Combat Hunter Program Can Save Your Life
Is there a way to listen to your inner protector more and to increase your sensitivity to threats before they happen? General James Mattis asked this question and issued a directive to operationalize the Marine Corps’ Combat Hunter program, a comprehensive and no-nonsense approach to heightening each and every one of our gifts of fear.

The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right
Gawande shows what the simple idea of the checklist reveals about the complexity of our lives and how we can deal with it. He examines checklists in aviation, construction, and investing, but focuses on medicine, where checklists mandating simple measures like hand washing have dramatically reduced hospital-caused infections and other complications.

The Gift of Fear: Survival Signals that Protect Us from Violence
De Becker offers specific ways to protect yourself and those you love, including how to act when approached by a stranger, when you should fear someone close to you, what to do if you are being stalked, how to uncover the source of anonymous threats or phone calls, the biggest mistake you can make with a threatening person, and more.

The Unthinkable: Who Survives When Disaster Strikes — and Why
By combining the stories of survivors with research into how the brain works under extreme duress, this inspiring mix of narrative, science and participatory journalism reveals how human fear circuits and crowd dynamics work, why our instincts sometimes misfire in modern calamities, and how we can do much, much better.

COVID-19 and the 'Echo Pandemic' of Suicide and Mental Illness
This podcast addresses the potential for an echo pandemic, a term being used by health professionals to describe the possibility of massive mental health concerns following COVID-19. The transcript provides some useful quotes. Key take-a-ways focus on programming to address resiliency and a return to the basics of support, such as access to care, a consistent schedule, healthy eating and exercise.

Suicide trends in the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic
This research offers a cautionary tale against assuming the general expectation that suicide rates have spiked during COVID. The data the authors reviewed found this not to be the case in high- and middle-income countries. Suicide data often lags behind real time; these authors looked at media and real time reports to better assess the number of suicides occurring in 21 countries.

Averting Targeted School Violence: A U.S. Secret Service Analysis of Plots against schools
Understanding cases of averted violence allows officials and researchers the ability to study where violence reduction principles worked and stopped an attack from moving from idea to action. This study included 67 averted attacks occurring from 2006 to 2018. The report stresses the importance of identifying risk factors like bullying, access to firearms, and grievances prior to criminal action.

School Shooters: Understanding High School, College, and Adult Perpetrators
Langman takes a look at 48 national and international cases of school shootings in order to dispel the myths, explore the motives, and expose the realities of preventing school shootings from happening in the future, including identifying at risk individuals and helping them to seek help before it’s too late.

Why Kids Kill: Inside the Minds of School Shooters
In this breakthrough analysis, Dr. Peter Langman presents the psychological causes of school shootings and offers unprecedented insight into why certain teens exhibit the potential to kill. He shows how to identify early signs of possible violence and offers preventative measures that parents and educators can take to protect their communities.

An Educator’s Guide to Assessing Threats in Student Writing
Based on research from the threat-assessment community and drawing from the collective fields of law enforcement, law, and psychology, the authors expand on evidence-based practices to help student affairs staff and K-12 educators best assess the validity of these communications and develop intervention and management plans.

Assessing Threat in Written Communications, Social Media, and Creative Writing
Most of those who plan violent attacks communicate their intentions before the attacks via social media and written communication, either through unintentional ‘‘leakage’’ or intentionally through ‘‘legacy tokens’’ used to explain their motivations. Most attackers share this information prior to the attack as a fantasy rehearsal to gauge the reaction and level of the attention that will come to them after the actual attack.

Dangerous Instincts: Use an FBI Profiler's Tactics to Avoid Unsafe Situations
Using the SMART method, which O’Toole developed and used at the FBI, we can confidently know how to Respond to a threat in any situation, hire someone who will work inside your home like a contractor or housekeeper, figure out whether a prospective employee is a safe bet, know whom you can trust with your children, and more.

Harm to Others: The Assessment and Treatment of Dangerousness
Van Brunt offers an effective way to increase knowledge of and training in violence risk and threat assessment, and it also provides a comprehensive examination of current treatment approaches. The underlying concepts and suggestions are useful for counselors, psychologists, and social workers who face these issues in their daily practice.

International Handbook of Threat Assessment
Threat assessment is a method used by mental health and law enforcement professionals to assess the risk of intended violence toward a specific target. This guide offers a definition of the foundations of threat assessment, systematically explores its fields of practice, and provides information and instruction on the best practices of threat assessment.

Threat Assessment and Management Strategies: Assessing Hunters and Howlers
A successful threat management process does not necessarily depend on large staffs or huge resource commitments, but, instead, on attention to detail and a thoughtful approach. Through case studies and analyses, this volume explains the best practices for assessing problem individuals and the optimal protective response and management strategy.

Threat Assessment: A Risk Management Approach
Threat Assessment: A Risk Management Approach examines the factors that human resource, security, legal, and behavioral professionals need to understand in work violence and threat situations that disrupt the working environment, revealing the best ways to reduce risk and manage emergencies.

Understanding and Treating Incels: Case Studies, Guidance, and Treatment of Violence Risk
This is an indispensable guide for mental health clinical staff, social workers, prevention specialists, educators, and threat assessment professionals who want to better understand the involuntary celibate movement, assess individuals’ potential for violence, and offer treatment approaches and prevention efforts.

Violence Assessment and Intervention: The Practitioner’s Handbook
This text provides a proven methodology, grounded in the current empirical research and the authors’ experience in successfully assessing and managing thousands of cases, for analyzing concerning behaviors and potential threatening situations, and taking action in these challenging, dynamic environments before tragedy occurs.